A new era starts now

Carbon Removals
For a Net-Zero

NOrth Star Project
Canada's leading BECCS developer
Carbon Alpha is developing bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) projects from concept to credit generation.

Carbon Alpha is a leading team of fully integrated professionals dedicated to developing carbon dioxide removal (CDR) projects and industrial carbon capture and storage (CCS) solutions.

Trees from Canada's sustainably managed forests.

Introducing North Star Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) project located in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan

The Meadow Lake Tribal Council (MLTC) and Carbon Alpha are developing a groundbreaking CDR project to generate 90,000 high-quality carbon credits.

Carbon Alpha’s expertise across the full value chain

Emissions Avoidance
Carbon Alpha manages CO2 regardless of the source.
Carbon Dioxide Removal
Industrial Emissions
Industiral Emissions
CO2 captured from existing power
and industrial plants
Carbon Alpha Expertise Mobile - Carbon capture and sequestration Emissions avoidance for industrial emissions.
CO2 Storage complex
Carbon Alpha stores and transports
CO2 regardless of the source.
An integrated array of injection wells
and monitoring systems to sequester
CO2 in geological storage
Carbon Alpha Expertise mobile - Carbon capture and sequestration CO2 storage and transportation.
Carbon Dioxide Removal
CO2 captured from agricultural
and forestry waste products
Carbon Alpha Expertise mobile - Carbon capture and sequestration Carbon dioxide removal, biomass.
Direct Air Capture
Carbon Dioxide Removal
CO2 captured from ambient air
via an engineered system
Carbon Alpha Expertise mobile - Carbon capture and sequestration Carbon dioxide removal, direct air capture.
Emissions Avoidance
Industrial Emissions
CO2 captured from existing power
and industrial plants
Industrial Emissions image - CO2 captured from existing power and industrial plants
Carbon Alpha stores and transports
CO2 regardless of the source.
CO2 Storage complex
An integrated array of injection wells
and monitoring systems to sequester
CO2 in geological storage
CO2 Storage complex image - An integrated array of injection wells and monitoring systems to sequester CO2 in geological storage
Carbon Dioxide Removal
CO2 captured from agricultural
and forestry waste products
Biomass carbon dioxide removal image - CO2 captured from agricultural and forestry waste produts
Carbon Dioxide Removal
Direct Air Capture
CO2 captured from ambient air
via an engineered system
Carbon Dioxide Removal - direct air capture image - CO2 captured from ambient air via an engineered system
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Carbon Alpha Expertise - Carbon capture and sequestration Emissions avoidance for industrial emissions.Carbon Alpha Expertise - Carbon capture and sequestration Emissions avoidance for industrial emissions.Carbon Alpha Expertise - Carbon capture and sequestration CO2 storage and transportation.Carbon Alpha Expertise - Carbon capture and sequestration Carbon dioxide removal, biomass.Carbon Alpha Expertise - Carbon capture and sequestration Carbon dioxide removal, direct air capture.